What makes a loyal employee? How does company culture affect talent retention?
Those are questions that companies try to answer every day. Rather than wax on about the Abbott Technologies company culture, let’s hear about it from the employees!
This year, seven Abbott Technologies employees are celebrating their 30-years service anniversaries. Here’s what they have to say about what makes Abbott Technologies a great place to work.
Company and Customer Commitment Abbott Technologies employees are committed to the company’s customers and its success. As one employee shared, “I want to give 100% to our clients and see the factory grow.”
Brand Belief
Abbott Technologies employees believe in what the company is doing. They believe the company’s brand promise is its best advocates. One of this year’s 30-year anniversary celebrants explains, “It’s the best company that I’ve worked for and the quality is great.”
Continuous Learning
Abbott Technologies challenges its employees and gives them opportunities to grow. “Every day at Abbott includes new learning experiences, “Says another employee. “There is never a boring moment.”
The People
A great company culture evolves not only through its written set of core values but also by hiring the right people to live those values on a daily basis. This is something Abbott Technologies focuses on during the hiring process, and it’s one of the things that have directly led to high employee retention rates.
An employee celebrating his 38th service anniversary explains, “What makes Abbott such a great place to work for me is the people’s approach to their work. They always want to do their best to make sure the company provides the best service possible to its customers. They have an esprit de corps that is remarkable in all situations. They move mountains and do whatever is necessary, and they do it with an attitude that is fun to be a part of. After 38 years, I still enjoy the friendship, camaraderie, culture, and people of Abbott Technologies.”
Abbott Technologies would like to recognize all of our employees, particularly our employees who are celebrating their 30th year of service in 2015. Thank you for your dedication, enthusiasm, and strong regard for Abbott Technologies and every one of our customers.